I'm passionate about:

⭐ Working for myself (the only thing I've ever wanted in my life – since I was four years old – was to own my own business)

⭐ Helping other people start and run their own business

⭐The print-on-demand industry. I'm OBSESSED!

After starting and running my own successful print-on-demand business that fits perfectly into my life, I can't wait to help you do the same.

Hi, I'm Jessica!

My businesses give me the freedom to work from here!

In 2020, I did a Dumb Thing.

The Dumb Thing: I started a brick-and-mortar e-commerce company from my teeny-tiny, 692-square-feet apartment (a long story for another day).

Here’s the thing: I am a driven person, but I really like to relax. I love my free time and my me time, so after a few months of pulling inventory and packing boxes in my spare time in my sprawling (if only) 692 square feet, I realized it was a terrible fit for my life.

In 2020, I did a dumb thing. Here's why you won't make the same mistake (pinky swear!)...

The Dumb Thing: I started an e-commerce store from my teeny-tiny,
692-square-feet apartment (a long story for another day).

I learned a little bit about print on demand a few years prior, but I never took it seriously. But after going through a few months of buying inventory, storing inventory, packing orders, and slugging boxes to the post office, I had a lightbulb moment. 

What if I started a print-on-demand store instead?

In contrast to my inventory-heavy business, it sounded like utopia (and it was).

I decided to trade in all that hassle for a business where I could design a product, upload it to my shopping marketplace of choice (I’ll give you a hint: it starts with “E”) and just click a button when an order came in.

Then along came print on
demand, my knight in
shining armor. 🛡️

It was a dream come true.

I was having a BLAST designing and selling products, and I could do it all from the convenience of my couch in my PJs!

I went from stressing about the prospect of renting a warehouse (which is tons of $$$$, FYI) to my biggest "worry" being finding the perfect font to use on my newest line of products.

My print-on-demand business has turned into a solid side hustle (which was my goal from the beginning) and I couldn’t be happier.

I occasionally toy with the idea of turning it into a bigger business – and you most certainly can if you want to! – but then I remember that I love my free time and my me time and I turn on Netflix.

my favorite place

The Dumb Thing: I started a brick-and-mortar e-commerce company from my teeny-tiny, 692-square-feet apartment (a long story for another day).

Then along came print on demand, my knight in
shining armor. 🛡️

It was a dream come true.

It's tons of fun with lots
of room for growth!

If a product doesn't succeed, you can easily move onto the next one

It can be operated from anywhere (even the beach!) at any time

No expensive inventory or overhead is required


Why I'm

with Print on Demand

Anywhere warm as long as I have access to air conditioning :)

to do

Anything with an
anti-hero (and pretty much everything on Netflix and YouTube)

to watch

Despite being a pretty clean eater, I have a major weakness for Coke Zero!

to drink

My favorite hobby is doing nothing. Seriously, I love to relax!

to visit


